Tuesday, March 15, 2022


    Hey guys, 

    It is now one of the most important weeks of the project, I am starting my production process. 

    I will be using my spring break trip to my advantage and it will very closely relate to my genre, for this reason, I am super excited to start filming. I'm going to be traveling to Portugal and Italy this week, and I am going to make sure that I get in all of my shots so that when I get back, I am ready to start editing my shots together.

   This is the idea that I've been thinking about pursuing for the film opening:


Packing, trying on clothes, mirror shots, making her seem in a hurry and indecisive about her choices.


Already being at the airport and starting off the dream.

I will then inform you more about the opening shots, but for now, I have to pack, too. LOL. See you soon!


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I think my retina is burnt.

 After hours and hours and hours and hours of editing this cutie pie video... here she is... THE CCR <3